Compte rendu critique de l’article de Walker, S., Olney, T., Wood, C., Clarke, A. et Dunworth M.(2018). How do tutors use data to support their students ? Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning, 1(34), 118-133.
Compte rendu critique de Pitsoane, Enid & Lethole, Patricia. (2020). Exploring e-tutors’ views on in–service training for online student support: a professional development analysis. Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning. 1-12.
Un compte-rendu critique de Anderson, S.K., Grave, S. et Terras, K. (2022). The Student Voice: Recommendations for Supporting the Success of Graduate Students with Disabilities in Online Courses. American Journal of Distance Education.
Un compte-rendu critique de Forbes, D. (2022). Student expectations of peers Forbes, D. (2022). Student expectations of peers in academic asynchronous online discussion. Journal of Open, Flexible and Distance Learning, 26(1). *505-Article Text-2003-1-10-20220731.pdf